Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore gets the Noble Peace Prize -- huh?

Let's see, Yasser Arafat, an admitted terrorist got one. Jimmy Carter at least got one for hammering some nails. Now Al Gore. Alfred Noble must be spinning in his grave. The elitists are now rewarding the elitists with no care as to what old Alfred's will stated.

"those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind."

Excuse me, but what benefit did Al confer on mankind? If it were up to him, we'd reduce the number of people on this planet by half. Here's what he says in the intro to his amazingly scientifically inaccurate book, Earth In The Balance.

"In one sense, civilization itself has been on a journey from its foundations in the world of nature to an ever more contrived, controlled and manufactured world of our own imitative and sometimes arrogant design. And in my view, the price has been high."

So perhaps we shouldn't have contrived, controlled, and manufactured things like antibiotics or cancer medicines. Medicines that saved his wife's life.

This guy has none of the qualities that should be rewarded with a Nobel Prize. Thank goodness that the science prizes can't be jiggered like the Peace Prize has.

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