There is a nice little one-page website available, that lets you vote on the issues

But here's the interesting point. This website also gives some statistical history of how people have voted. As of this writing, 153,350 people have completed the quiz. Of those people, more than half (57% in fact) have discovered that Dennis Kucinich is the candidate they should be supporting.
Now, that's not 57% for Kucinich and 43% for some other candidate. The site considers the platforms of 18 established Presidential contenders. Dennis Kucinich comes up as Americans' number one choice more than every other candidate combined. To clarify, this is not 57% of Democrats, or 57% of closet Neocons, or 57% of disillusioned former Ron Paul supporters (like me). Of everyone who has taken this quiz, over half want the same things for America as Dennis Kucinich.
So, if the issues actually mattered, and if Americans looked at the whole field--instead of just the 3 or 4 candidates the mainstream media tells them to, and if Americans voted their conscience, instead of selecting the lesser of the two most popular evils ... Dennis Kucinich would be the runaway favorite. The actual election would just be a formality. Yeah, I know, that's an awful lot of 'ifs'. However, every one of those 'ifs' should be true ... if this is still the Democracy we like to think it is. So why is Kucinich still languishing in 73rd place?
The fact is, when I took this quiz, I was a die-hard Ron Paul supporter. Of the candidates I was familiar with, Ron Paul was head-and-shoulders above the pack. But then, I had never heard of this Kucinich fellow. So I did some research and found that, in fact, Dennis Kucinich actually does stand for the things I believe in, almost completely ... and quite a lot better than Ron Paul, in fact. So, after a bit of waffling, I switched horses (and political parties) midstream. It's ok; you can do that. I checked.
So here's the site.
Pick Your Candidate.
Check it out, it's worth five minutes to find out if you're actually backing the best man (or woman) for the job. And if it turns out that Kucinich is your pick, too (and odds are, he will be), then don't be afraid to support him. He's only an underdog as long as we keep thinking he is.
A couple quick notes about the 'Pick Your Candidate' website. It was put together by a regular guy, 'spare time' sort of thing. The actual computer programming code that runs the site and calculates the results is completely open-source and transparent, meaning that anyone who knows a bit about programming (such as myself) can look at how the quiz works and clearly see that there are no hidden tricks to skew the results. The candidates' stances on the issues are determined by their actual statements of position, as recorded by, an excellent, non-partisan service that tracks these things.
Sorry that the RP'ers lost ya. At least ya left on your own and on good terms. You'll be welcomed back with open arms, bring some Kucinich fans with ya. ; )
Watch out for those quizes because they very often ask questions that give confusing results. The quiz uses a number of things to determine how a candidate stands on an issue. Sometimes they base it on statements from the campaign, but for established representatives they look at voting records. Looking at the record is not a bad thing but you must put the vote into the context of the proposed bill NOT THE ISSUE! Ron Paul has very odd results because of his principled voting record. For instance: On the issue of Free Trade many of those quizes improperly qualify Ron as against Free Trade. Why? because, he voted against NAFTA and CAFTA, but that is not because he is against free trade, rather those agreements don't represent 'free trade' in the least bit. Another example happens when asked a question about stem cell research. Ron believes researchers should absolutely not be regulated by the Federal Government he also believes the Fed should not be paying for or subsidizing that research. He voted 'No' because he doesn't think Congress should be funding science research, not because he doesn't believe in stem cell research. So you begin to see how the results of these quizes can skew the way a candidate appears to stand on an issue. They are basing their conclusions on 'yes or no' votes that assume they are voting on the issue rather than the contents of the bill! These quizes are for lazy simpletons... I do agree that everyone needs to get out there and investigate the truth of each candidate for themselves. I believe it was Jefferson who said something to the effect of 'Educate and inform all the masses, as this is the best defense for liberty'.
Peace and Free Trade
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