Of course, it’s all someone else’s fault. That someone else is …
Me: I sold my home at in late 2005 knowing full well that this massive housing bubble was unsustainable (I was a math major – that geeky guy you hated and despised in high school). And, no, you can’t copy my test answers. I put over half a million in the bank (less than $100k in any one bank to have complete FDIC insurance coverage). I didn’t have a mortgage because I always spent less than I earned and aggressively paid off my mortgage in just 7 years. I also didn’t pay a Realtor commission when I sold – who needed a Realtor to sell ANYTHING in 2005. I could have sold an outhouse for $250k to you dopes back then. I am a renter and I rent a 3-bedroom home cheap ($1600/mo) because the landlord has no pricing power. Rents are going to get even cheaper as more housing supply comes on the market and desperate flippers will rent at almost any price to soften the negative cash flow a bit. While you were buying your McMansion, I paid cash for everything, have no debt whatsoever and SAVE almost $30k/year. I don’t own a big screen TV or a boat. I have never bought a new car and I never will (not an investment – a depreciating asset). I am clearly *NOT* doing my part to support the US economy and you can blame me all you want for not pulling my weight. I am going to be a homeowner again but not for a few years. Housing is going to take a 50%+ haircut no matter what “stimulus” Bush provides in the form of rebates and regardless of whether Bernanke cuts interest rates to ZERO. The bond market will negate any interest rate reduction in hours or minutes. That ¾ point cut last week was swallowed up by the bond market in just 3 hours. It won’t matter a whit as there is too much debt and leverage in play for this not to unwind very painfully. I am not in the stock market either as that haircut will be equally painful. In the meantime, I want to enjoy life so I’m in the market for a few toys; specifically *your* toys (I don’t pay retail for anything). At the right price, my son would love to watch sports on a nice big screen. I’m thinking of riding your jet skis this summer (cheap, of course). I met a wonderful woman this past autumn and we are hitting it off amazingly. She and I are like-minded with regard to the above. So, she would not mind at all wearing that nice diamond ring even if it’s second hand (she’d probably come in her panties if she knew I got it for pennies on the dollar). My Jetta still runs nice but your BMW would be a great addition to my driveway. I don’t care what you owe on it – I’m not paying that much. But I am paying CASH. What have you got?
You sound just like my brother. He saved every dime, and paid cash for everything. He always told everybody to work hard, eat at home, and save, save, save. He died at 48 of a heart attack, and had about 259K saved up. No kids, just my brother and I. He left us his money. We went out and bought quads, a sand rail, and a few other things all under $25,000 and invested the rest. My point is, live a little man. You can penny pinch and be a tightwad, but don't tell people what a genius you are because you have money in the bank. You probably have no life, very few friends, and a very little penis.
awesome. i hate this credit based culture.
you still drive a jetta?
In other words you bought a home durring the clinton tech boom when common people could make $100/hr. I know them.
I'm not defending those in debt, but it's stunning that the writer can be so *obscenely* ignorant to how lucky he was. Those us of who missed it can have 100x more skills it won't matter.
This guy dodged Bush I recession *and* the Bush II recession yet he has no idea how lucky he is.
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