Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rudy Giuliani says he is ending his bid for GOP presidential nomination, endorsing Sen. John McCain.

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ended his GOP presidential race and endorsed rival Sen. John McCain of Arizona on Wednesday.

And sources say California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger might endorse McCain on Thursday.

"This is a man who is prepared to be president," Giuliani said of his "old friend."

Giuliani said McCain gives the Republican Party the best chance to hold onto the presidency.

"I am very proud to endorse my friend and fellow Republican -- a hero -- John McCain," Giuliani said at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley California, two hours before the Republican presidential candidates were to face each other in their final debate before the Super Tuesday contests next week.

Meanwhile, two Republican sources told CNN that California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is in discussions about endorsing McCain.

One of the sources said, "you can safely describe the conversations as progressing and productive." The second source described the endorsement as "more than expected" and said the conversations were aimed at arranging a Thursday announcement.

Giuliani described McCain as "the other best candidate."

"I made it clear before I had to make this decision [to drop out] that had I not run, I'd be supporting John McCain," Giuliani told reporters on a flight to Burbank, California, for the debate.

The debate is being sponsored by CNN, the Los Angeles Times and Politico, and begins at 8 p.m. ET.

I am running for President. This is my platform

It will be a write in campaign. I hope I can count on your support.

1. Illegal Immigration - Its illegal. You are all criminals. Go home. When elected I will fix the ridiculous length of time it takes to become a part of this nation. Supercomputers, face recognition technology, DNA can't be that difficult. When you become a citizen...I heartily welcome you back to your new home.

2. Medical Coverage and Nationalized Health Care - Don't get sick. Take care of yourself. Walk your dog, play with your kids, go dancing. Live life until you die. Eat right. Don't smoke. You will lead a productive life. When elected, I will commit to nationalized healthcare. If you get cancer from your job, heredity, bad luck...we are here for you. But if you are stupid, and refuse to take care of yourself, the nation ain't payin'.

3. War - Politicians don't wage war. Politicians wage words. I will talk. The military will fight. We will never fight another wasted battle when I am in office. We will not worry about the rest of the world thinking that we are war mongers. If we need to fight, we will fight. And we will win. Nothing else is acceptable. You will never see "Rules of Engagement" coming from my White House. We fight, we win. Period. Whatever it takes. Not one dead soldier for a war that doesn't mean anything. Is the middle east going to explode? When I take office, I will turn Israel loose with some no joke weaponry. The problem should take care of itself within the week.

4. FEMA - New Orleans was and is a national disaster. The storm, and the way it was handled. When elected, I will hunt down the non-effective people that were leaders of FEMA at that time, and prosecute them for manslaughter. Should make the current leaders of the organization sit up and take notice. Next hurricane, their should be caviar and champagne for everyone.

5. Celebrity Justice - You folks have a higher visibility. You make tons more money. When I am in office, I will lobby for a law to be passed that celebrities who are found guilty of infractions of the law will be adjudged 3 times more severely than regular folks. Politicians will be adjudged 10 times more severely. Lawyers will be shot. For jaywalking.

6. Global Warming - When President, I will get the UN to use their peacekeeping force as environmental regulators. And where ever in the world that an offender is found, they will have 1 month to stop and fix what is polluting. If it can't be done in one month, an extension of six months may be given. After that it will be shutdown or blown up. This includes the area up and down the Houston Ship Channel.

7. Dog Fighting - Mans best friend. If you are caught dog fighting/ abusing animals, you will be Tasered. Every 20 minutes. For the next 30 years.
I ain't having that.

8. Oil Companies - See #3 above. After Israel gets through, we should be back to having $.29 cent gas again. I hope you Oil Company guys bring back those nifty glasses and Big Bonus stamps you used to give away to people when they filled up their tank. Oh...and yeah...go ahead and check the oil, and tire pressure while I sit here and watch.

God Bless the United States Marine Corps. Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Prime Minister John Howard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if this is circulated, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

I want a president with a backbone like this !!!!!!! Ron Paul? I am voting for whoever gets our immigration problem staightened out, no more anchor babys, no more hand outs of our social security to people that want to destroy our Country.


You: an average American. You are deeply in debt and still continue to borrow every day to feed your habit. You walk into Brugger's and, for a measly $2.99 coffee and breakfast sandwich, you rip out the credit card because you have no cash (that’s me behind you in line). The concept of buying only those things you can actually afford is foreign to you. You feel that a $500k home with a big screen TV and BMW in the driveway are entitlements you deserve … even though you never finished college and earn about $45k/year. Going back to school … improving your skills … these are also distasteful to you. Math was not your favorite subject and, when the mortgage brokers told you that you could borrow your way to riches, you bit hook, line and sinker. Your mortgage rate has reset …you’re on the verge of foreclosure, making minimum payments on your credit cards and the Yellow Pages book on your kitchen table is opened up to “Bankruptcy Attorneys”. Gas prices and utility bills are killing you. Your job is not as secure as you thought. You are panicked. You are desperate. And the liquidation of assets (toys) such as your Beemer, your Big Screen, your fancy electronic toys, your Sea Doo, that nice new diamond ring bought with home equity cash … is going to be necessary to buy food and heat.

Of course, it’s all someone else’s fault. That someone else is …

Me: I sold my home at in late 2005 knowing full well that this massive housing bubble was unsustainable (I was a math major – that geeky guy you hated and despised in high school). And, no, you can’t copy my test answers. I put over half a million in the bank (less than $100k in any one bank to have complete FDIC insurance coverage). I didn’t have a mortgage because I always spent less than I earned and aggressively paid off my mortgage in just 7 years. I also didn’t pay a Realtor commission when I sold – who needed a Realtor to sell ANYTHING in 2005. I could have sold an outhouse for $250k to you dopes back then. I am a renter and I rent a 3-bedroom home cheap ($1600/mo) because the landlord has no pricing power. Rents are going to get even cheaper as more housing supply comes on the market and desperate flippers will rent at almost any price to soften the negative cash flow a bit. While you were buying your McMansion, I paid cash for everything, have no debt whatsoever and SAVE almost $30k/year. I don’t own a big screen TV or a boat. I have never bought a new car and I never will (not an investment – a depreciating asset). I am clearly *NOT* doing my part to support the US economy and you can blame me all you want for not pulling my weight. I am going to be a homeowner again but not for a few years. Housing is going to take a 50%+ haircut no matter what “stimulus” Bush provides in the form of rebates and regardless of whether Bernanke cuts interest rates to ZERO. The bond market will negate any interest rate reduction in hours or minutes. That ¾ point cut last week was swallowed up by the bond market in just 3 hours. It won’t matter a whit as there is too much debt and leverage in play for this not to unwind very painfully. I am not in the stock market either as that haircut will be equally painful. In the meantime, I want to enjoy life so I’m in the market for a few toys; specifically *your* toys (I don’t pay retail for anything). At the right price, my son would love to watch sports on a nice big screen. I’m thinking of riding your jet skis this summer (cheap, of course). I met a wonderful woman this past autumn and we are hitting it off amazingly. She and I are like-minded with regard to the above. So, she would not mind at all wearing that nice diamond ring even if it’s second hand (she’d probably come in her panties if she knew I got it for pennies on the dollar). My Jetta still runs nice but your BMW would be a great addition to my driveway. I don’t care what you owe on it – I’m not paying that much. But I am paying CASH. What have you got?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Should single moms be forced to work in prostitution camps for the state?

Every day, my taxes are wasted propping up the low of our society. Layabouts, thieves, drug addicts, alcoholics, politicians and worst of all single moms. Why are they the worst? Because they ended up having sex with someone from the other catergories on my list, without the scarcest regard for what would happen in 9 months time.

Then, they stick their hand out saying feed me and clothe my child. Why in gods name would I want to help them out? If they are old enough to spread their legs and open their snatch, then they better be old enough to deal with the consequences.

What is it with women always wanting something for nothing? Single moms take it to the next level and I think that as a society we say enough is enough. You want some money for ciggies and a new bib for your delinquent baby, then you should earn that money. That is how our great society has evolved, trading goods and services for money.

In my country, we now make the unemployed work for the dole payment and I think a similar idea could be used for single moms, I call it hook for the dole. It makes sense, single moms like nothing better than sex, so I'm sure they won't have too much of a problem with this.

There are plenty of single guys that want sex, who can't get it at the moment, who wouldn't mind paying say 20 to 30 bucks to bang some slack, fatarsed single mom in a government sponsered brothel. It would stop the sexual assaults that happen in society, if the deviants could get a budget blowjob or discount doggie style. You could also have a creche in the brothel so the mums could breastfeed their child in between clients, maybe for a tip they could breastfeed their child whilst servicing a client, what would a single mom care, she has no dignity, she lost that the night she gangbanged a bar full of scumbags.

If the government started working these single moms, the average tax bill for taxpayers could be halved, it's a win/win, taxpayers paying less tax and single moms getting all the sex their hearts desire.

I think it would be a great idea, get single moms to finally put something back into society after taking so much for nothing. It seems like the only fair and reasonable thing to do.

Tax Payer

So you anti-science / Flat Earth types - what do you make of this?

First 'proven' human cloned embryo

Friday, 18 January 2008

No patient-specific stem cells yet: but the first documented and proven cloned human embryo, researchers say.
US scientists involved with a small company set up by an unnamed investor report they are the first to clone human embryos and prove it.

But some researchers are asking how much of a scientific development this really is.

Dr Andrew French of Stemagen Corporation of La Jolla in California and colleagues have published their findings online ahead of print publication in the journal Stem Cells.

The researchers used somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) to clone five early-stage embryos, called blastocysts, from donated human eggs and skin cells from two men.

"This study demonstrates, for the first time, that SCNT can produce human blastocyst stage embryos using nuclei from a differentiated adult somatic cell," the researchers say.

They says the used eggs were "excess" and donated, free of charge by three young women involved in a fertility program.

The researchers' long term aim is to use SCNT to produce patient-specific stem cells for possible treatments, but this time around they did not actually produce stem cells from the cloned embryos.

Instead, they destroyed the embryos in the process of checking their DNA in order to prove they were clones.

French, who previously created animal clones while at Monash University in Australia, says the research team wants to make embryonic stem cells from donated embryos to perfect the technique before trying to use cloning methods again to make tailored cells.

"This field has faced a lot of controversy so we wanted to be clean," says French.

Excess eggs

Stemagen Corporation's founder Dr Samuel Wood says his success at a large fertility clinic encouraged him to pursue cloning and stem cell research.

"We had this great excess of embryos in the tank that eventually were donated to research or to other couples. But what I also noticed was that we had a great excess of eggs," says Wood.

Human eggs are needed to use cloning techniques to make embryos, and that got Wood thinking. His mother had type-2 diabetes and died after a bad fall. He knew of an investor whose mother had died from a degenerative disease.

Wood says he made his pitch in 2005 to the investor, who wants to remain anonymous, "over a martini in a local restaurant." He then recruited French from Australia.

Wood says the cloning technique is only efficient if the egg is used within two hours of being taken from the woman.

A limited advance

While some cloning experts support the new company's work, others are sceptical, including Dr Douglas Melton, who helped found Harvard University's stem cell research centre.

"The value, if any, will come from using the cells to discover drugs, i.e. using the cells as research tools," Melton says.

Others are also working on producing human embryos using SNCT but what many researchers really want to see are stem cells.

"This is the most successful description so far of the use of the cloning techniques with purely human material," says UK stem cell expert Professor Robin Lovell-Badge of the MRC National Institute for Medical Research.

"However, it is still a long way from achieving the goal of obtaining ES cells.

Lovell-Badge says in recent Rhesus monkey experiments only two embryonic stem cell lines were obtained from about 300 starting eggs.

"So it is likely that many more attempts will be necessary before anyone can calculate rates and claim real success in humans," he says.

"It still makes sense to explore the use of non-primate eggs first, until the methods can be improved, rather than using valuable human eggs."

Slippery slope?

Opponents of cloning technology say it is a slippery slope to using cloning to make live babies.

Wood is mindful his work at a fertility clinic could raise suspicions. But he notes that cloned animals are often abnormal.

"To put any human through that just strikes me as inherently unethical," he says.

But federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research in the US is limited and the work is restricted to a few academic labs that can juggle the complex requirements of the federal limits, and private companies.

Other companies researching stem cells include Massachusetts-based Advanced Cell Technology, California-based International Stem Cell Corporation and Geron Corporation.